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Bruno Salustiano
Bruno Salustiano

Download Jurnal Harian Kelas 5 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Terbaru:

Download Jurnal Harian Kelas 5 Semester 2 K13 Revisi 2017

If you are a student or a teacher of grade 5 in Indonesia, you might be familiar with jurnal harian, a daily journal that records your learning activities, thoughts, and feelings. Jurnal harian is an important tool for learning and reflection, as it helps you to monitor your progress, identify your strengths and weaknesses, express your emotions, and plan your future actions. Jurnal harian is also a part of the k13 curriculum, a new approach to education that aims to develop students' competencies in various domains, such as cognitive, affective, psychomotor, spiritual, social, and cultural.

download jurnal harian kelas 5 semester 2 k13 revisi 2017

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In this article, we will explain what jurnal harian and k13 curriculum are, why they are beneficial for students and teachers, and how to download jurnal harian kelas 5 semester 2 k13 revisi 2017 from various sources. We hope that this article will help you to understand and use jurnal harian as a learning and reflection tool.

Jurnal Harian: A Tool for Learning and Reflection

Jurnal harian is a written record of your daily learning activities, thoughts, and feelings. It is usually done at the end of each school day or week, depending on your preference. Jurnal harian can be written in any format or style that suits you, but it typically includes the following elements:

  • Date: The date when you write your journal entry.

  • Theme: The theme or topic that you learned or discussed in class.

  • Subtheme: The subtheme or subtopic that you focused on within the theme.

  • Learning objectives: The learning objectives or goals that you aimed to achieve in each lesson.

  • Learning activities: The learning activities or tasks that you did in class or at home.

  • Learning outcomes: The learning outcomes or results that you achieved or observed from each activity.

  • Reflection: The reflection or evaluation of your learning process, such as what you learned, what you liked or disliked, what you found easy or difficult, what you need to improve or practice more, etc.

  • Feedback: The feedback or comments that you received from your teacher or peers on your work or performance.

  • Action plan: The action plan or steps that you will take to improve your learning or achieve your goals.

Jurnal harian has many advantages for students' academic and personal development. Some of them are:

  • It helps you to review and reinforce what you learned in class and to prepare for the next lesson or assessment. - It helps you to develop your writing skills, such as vocabulary, grammar, spelling, punctuation, organization, coherence, etc. - It helps you to enhance your critical thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, evaluation, problem-solving, decision-making, etc. - It helps you to improve your self-awareness and self-regulation skills, such as self-esteem, self-confidence, self-motivation, self-discipline, self-control, etc. - It helps you to foster your creativity and imagination skills, such as originality, innovation, divergent thinking, etc. - It helps you to cultivate your emotional and social skills, such as empathy, compassion, communication, collaboration, etc.

K13 Curriculum: A New Approach to Education

K13 curriculum is a new approach to education that was introduced by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia in 2013. K13 stands for Kurikulum 2013, which means Curriculum 2013 in English. K13 curriculum is based on the principles of competency-based education, which means that the curriculum focuses on developing students' competencies in various domains, such as cognitive, affective, psychomotor, spiritual, social, and cultural. K13 curriculum also emphasizes the integration of character education, which means that the curriculum aims to instill students' values and morals that are in line with the national identity and culture of Indonesia.

K13 curriculum has several main characteristics and components that distinguish it from the previous curriculum. Some of them are:

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  • Core competencies: The core competencies are the general competencies that students should achieve in each grade level and subject. They are divided into four categories: spiritual attitude (KI-1), social attitude (KI-2), knowledge (KI-3), and skills (KI-4).

  • Basic competencies: The basic competencies are the specific competencies that students should achieve in each theme or subtheme within each subject. They are derived from the core competencies and are aligned with the national standards of education.

  • Learning objectives: The learning objectives are the statements that describe what students should be able to do or demonstrate after completing each lesson. They are based on the basic competencies and are written in measurable and observable terms.

  • Learning materials: The learning materials are the content or information that students should learn or understand in each lesson. They are selected and organized according to the relevance, validity, accuracy, and suitability of the theme or subtheme.

  • Learning activities: The learning activities are the tasks or exercises that students should do or perform in each lesson. They are designed and implemented according to the principles of active learning, cooperative learning, inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, etc.

  • Learning assessment: The learning assessment is the process of measuring or evaluating students' learning outcomes or achievements in each lesson. It can be done in various forms and methods, such as observation, quiz, test, assignment, portfolio, performance, etc.

  • Learning resources: The learning resources are the sources or tools that support students' learning process in each lesson. They can be in various forms and media, such as books, journals, magazines, newspapers, internet, radio, television, video, - audio, etc.

K13 curriculum has many benefits for students' knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior. Some of them are:

  • It helps students to acquire and apply the essential knowledge and skills that are relevant and useful for their life and future.

  • It helps students to develop and demonstrate the positive attitudes and values that are in line with the national identity and culture of Indonesia.

  • It helps students to explore and express their interests, talents, potentials, and passions in various fields and domains.

It helps students to collaborate and communicate effectively with others in dive


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