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Bruno Salustiano
Bruno Salustiano

NBR 5419-2 atualizada 2020: A norma brasileira de proteção contra descargas atmosféricas em PDF

NBR 5419-2: What is it and how to download it?

If you are a building owner, manager, or engineer, you might have heard of NBR 5419-2, a Brazilian standard for lightning protection. But what exactly is it, why is it important, and how can you download it? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with some useful tips on how to apply NBR 5419-2 to your building.


What is NBR 5419-2?

NBR 5419-2 is the second part of the Brazilian standard for lightning protection, which was updated in 2020. It is based on the international standard IEC 62305-2, and it provides guidelines for risk management of structures against lightning strikes. It covers aspects such as risk assessment, protection levels, protection methods, and documentation.

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Why is it important?

Lightning is a natural phenomenon that can cause serious damage to buildings, equipment, and people. According to the Brazilian Institute of Space Research (INPE), Brazil has the highest incidence of lightning in the world, with an average of 77.8 million flashes per year. Therefore, it is essential to protect your building from lightning, not only for safety reasons, but also for legal and economic reasons. NBR 5419-2 helps you to comply with the regulations and reduce the potential losses caused by lightning.

How to download it?

NBR 5419-2 is available for purchase from the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), which is the official body responsible for developing and publishing standards in Brazil. You can access their website at [](^1^) and search for NBR 5419-2 in the catalog. Alternatively, you can download a free PDF version of NBR 5419-2 from some academic websites, such as [this one](^3^).

Main body

What are the main features of NBR 5419-2?

NBR 5419-2 covers three main aspects of lightning protection: risk management, protection levels, and protection methods. Let's take a look at each one in more detail.

Risk management

Risk management is the process of identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and treating the risks associated with lightning strikes. NBR 5419-2 provides a method for calculating the risk of loss of human life, service to the public, cultural heritage, economic value, and environmental impact. The risk calculation takes into account factors such as the frequency and intensity of lightning in the region, the characteristics and use of the structure, the presence and type of lightning protection system (LPS), and the exposure and vulnerability of people and equipment.

Protection levels

Protection levels are defined as the minimum requirements for an LPS to reduce the risk of lightning below a tolerable level. NBR 5419-2 specifies four protection levels (I, II, III, and IV), ranging from high to low protection. The higher the protection level, the lower the probability of damage due to lightning. The selection of the protection level depends on the risk assessment and the acceptable level of risk for each structure.

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Protection methods

Protection methods are the techniques used to design and install an LPS that meets the requirements of a given protection level. NBR 5419-2 describes two main types of protection methods: natural components and artificial components. Natural components are parts of the structure that can be used as part of the LPS, such as metal roofs, metal frames, and metal pipes. Artificial components are specially designed and installed elements that form the LPS, such as air terminals, down conductors, earth electrodes, and surge protective devices (SPDs). NBR 5419-2 provides guidance on how to select, locate, connect, and test the artificial components of an LPS.

How to apply NBR 5419-2 to your building?

Applying NBR 5419-2 to your building involves three main steps: risk analysis, design and installation, and inspection and maintenance. Here is a brief overview of each step.

Risk analysis

Risk analysis is the first step in applying NBR 5419-2 to your building. It consists of collecting and analyzing the relevant data about your structure and its surroundings, such as the dimensions, materials, use, occupancy, location, exposure, and existing LPS. Then, you need to calculate the risk of lightning for your structure using the method provided by NBR 5419-2. Based on the risk calculation, you need to determine the protection level and the protection method that are suitable for your structure.

Design and installation

Design and installation is the second step in applying NBR 5419-2 to your building. It consists of designing and installing an LPS that meets the requirements of the selected protection level and protection method. You need to follow the recommendations of NBR 5419-2 on how to select, locate, connect, and test the natural and artificial components of the LPS. You also need to document the design and installation process and provide a technical report that includes the risk analysis, the protection level, the protection method, and the LPS details.

Inspection and maintenance

Inspection and maintenance is the third step in applying NBR 5419-2 to your building. It consists of inspecting and maintaining the LPS periodically to ensure its proper functioning and performance. You need to follow the guidelines of NBR 5419-2 on how to inspect and maintain the natural and artificial components of the LPS. You also need to document the inspection and maintenance activities and provide a technical report that includes the inspection results, the maintenance actions, and any changes or modifications to the LPS.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, NBR 5419-2 is a Brazilian standard for lightning protection that was updated in 2020. It provides guidelines for risk management of structures against lightning strikes. It covers aspects such as risk assessment, protection levels, protection methods, and documentation. Applying NBR 5419-2 to your building involves three main steps: risk analysis, design and installation, and inspection and maintenance.

Call to action

If you want to protect your building from lightning, you need to follow NBR 5419-2. It will help you to comply with the regulations and reduce the potential losses caused by lightning. To download NBR 5419-2, you can visit [] or [this website]. If you need professional assistance with applying NBR 5419-2 to your building, you can contact us at []. We are a team of experts in lightning protection with years of experience in designing and installing LPS according to NBR 5419-2. We offer free consultation and quotation for your project. Don't wait until it's too late. Protect your building from lightning today!


What is NBR 5419-2?

  • NBR 5419-2 is the second part of the Brazilian standard for lightning protection, which was updated in 2020. It provides guidelines for risk management of structures against lightning strikes.

Why is NBR 5419-2 important?

  • NBR 5419-2 is important because it helps you to protect your building from lightning, which is a natural phenomenon that can cause serious damage to buildings, equipment, and people.

How can I download NBR 5419-2?

  • You can download NBR 5419-2 from [] or [this website].

How can I apply NBR 5419-2 to my building?

  • You can apply NBR 5419-2 to your building by doing the following steps: risk analysis, design and installation, and inspection and maintenance. You need to follow the guidelines of NBR 5419-2 on how to calculate the risk, select the protection level and method, and design and install the LPS. You also need to inspect and maintain the LPS periodically to ensure its proper functioning and performance.

Who can help me with applying NBR 5419-2 to my building?

  • You can contact us at [] for professional assistance with applying NBR 5419-2 to your building. We are a team of experts in lightning protection with years of experience in designing and installing LPS according to NBR 5419-2. We offer free consultation and quotation for your project.


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